Traceability Routes for Electrical Power Quality Measurement

News and events
Partners sharepoint

This website provides information about the EMPIR Joint Research Project 15RPT04 TracePQM.

The project runtime is from 1. 6. 2016 to 31. 5. 2019.

Latest news:

Jan 12 2022New release of the TracePQM Wattmeter SW tool on GitHub.
Jan 12 2022Second edition of Guide for Sampling Power and Power quality Measurements has been made available to download in section Downloads.
Dec 23 2019The FINAL PUBLISHABLE REPORT of the project has been made available to download.
Dec 23 2019The final publishable summary of the project is available to download.
Sept 6 2019Third edition of TracePQM project newsletter was released.
Sept 3 2019A final dissemination workshop was held on 27 - 28 May at CMI, Brno, Czech republic. During the workshop the outputs of the projects were introduced to the 28 attendees from 13 European countries. All presentations have been made available to download in section Downloads.
May 31 2019Guide for Sampling Power and Power quality Measurements has been made available to download in section Downloads.
Apr 29 2019Registration deadline to the final dissemination workshop (to be held on 27-28 May 2019) was extended to 6 May 2019. Registration form is available here. Draft agenda as pdf file is available here.
Apr 15 2019First release of the TPQA-Traceable Power & Power Quality Analyzer SW tool was made available on GitHub.
Apr 4 2019New release of the TracePQM Wattmeter SW tool on GitHub.

More news and events.


Project details on EURAMET website.